Instant Messaging and SMS Marketing: Communication


Instant Messaging and SMS Marketing: Communication at the Time Of Covid19



Companies and retailers increasingly need customer engagement. Germany mobile Number Database With the thinning out if not the cancellation of social occasions, the need to interact and maintain an active, empathic and lasting relationship over time is more felt than ever.




The forced closure of numerous businesses, entrepreneurial realities, and shops has diverted most of the initiatives on digital, where for months activities designed to interact with customers have proliferated on all marketing and online communication channels.


A modality that will continue also in the perspective of a relaxation of the regulations related to the control of the pandemic. Dubai Mobile Number Database It is in this context that Instant Messaging and SMS Marketing today become even more strategic for any business-oriented towards Customer Engagement:


Among the various instant messaging channels, SMS, in particular, offers significant advantages, as evidenced by the data from the research, because a message via mobile


  • it is noticed and opened (it has a 95% open rate, i.e. an open rate - a very high figure)
  • it is read easily and quickly
  • Stimulates the call-to-action, such as visiting a site, downloading a discount code, or even an invitation to subscribe to a newsletter.

This is why, compared to the pre-Covid period, about 1 in 3 of the companies interviewed have implemented a communication strategy via mobile messaging to their customers, current and potential, with different purposes:

  • promotional activities
  • appointment management
  • communication and information
  • customer service
  • Customer satisfaction surveys Useful tips for making effective and functional communication via mobile for business


If on the one hand communication via text messages and instant messages brings countless advantages for the business, on the other hand, every company that decides to make communication via mobile one of the strategic marketing levers must be well aware that, for this form of promotion to be valid and effective, it must:


  • allow the company to achieve the set objectives. If a business, for example, works a lot with appointments and meetings with customers, then the SMS becomes crucial;
  • be customized. If a retailer wants to do Customer Engagement profitably, he will have to decline messages, promotional offers, loyalty tools based on the different types of customers;
  • be measurable. The company must be able to collect, analyze and interpret the results and then be able to refine its strategies.


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What better form of instant messaging for the business to stay close to the customer, involve them in their business initiatives, and promote their business in a conscious, measurable, and functional way for the company's turnover?